Keyword [MI-FGSM] [Ensemble]
Dong Y, Liao F, Pang T, et al. Boosting adversarial attacks with momentum[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2018: 9185-9193.
1. Overview
1.1. Motivation
- most of existing adversarial attacks can only fool a black-box model with low success rate
In this paper, it proposed a broad class of momentum-based iterative algorithm
- stabilize update diretions
- escape from poor local maximum
- more transferable adversarial examples
- alleviate the trade-off between the white-box attacks and the transferability
- apply momentum iterative algorithms to an ensemble of models (further improve the success rate for black-box attacks)
1.2. Generally
- Transferability. different machine learning models learn similar decision boundaries around a data point.
- one-step gradient-based methods more transferable
1.3. Contribution
- momentum iterative gradient-based methods
- study several ensemble approaches
- first to show models obtained by ensemble adversarial training with a powerful defense ability are also vulnerable to the black-box attacks
1.4. Related Works
1.4.1. Attack Methods
- one-step
- iterative
- optimization-based methods. lack the efficacy in black-box attacks just like iterative methods
1.4.2. Defense Methods
- inject adversarial examples into training procedure
- ensemble adversarial training
2. Methods
the assumption of linearity of the decision boundary around the data point may not hold when the distortion is large.
- FGSM. underfit
- iterative FGSM. overfit
2.1. MI-FGSM

- g_t. gather the gradient of the first t iterations with a decay factor μ
- μ=0. MI-FGSM→ iterative FGSM
- gradient normalized by L1 distance, the scale of the gradients in different iterations varies in magnitude
2.2. MI-FGSM for Ensemble Model
- ensemble in logits (input values to softmax). perform better

- ensemble in prediction probability

- ensemble in loss

2.3. Extension
- L2 distance
- targeted attacks
3. Experiments
3.1. Single Model

- maximum perturbation = 16
- μ = 1
3.1.1. Decay Factor μ

- μ=1. adds up all previous gradients to perform the current update
3.1.2. The Number of Iteration

- when increasing the number of iterations, the success rate of I-FGSM against a black-box model gradually decreases
3.1.3. Update Direction
- update direction of MI-FGSM is more stable than I-FGSM (larger cosine similarity)
- stabilized updated directions make L2 norm of the perturbation lager, which helpful for transferability

3.1.4. The Size of Perturbation
- α = 1

3.2. Ensemble

- ensemble in logits perform better
- MI-FGSM transfer better